Photo by Monique Torok Unphotoshopped :) |
Naked. So for some folks this seems like a big ordeal, noted. I want to share something. I know that I'm petite. I know that my body is proportionate and that society endorses a beauty that I am lucky enough to fit into. I am not oblivious to this privilege. And I'd like to share this...
Being naked sensitizes the body and makes it easier for us to really feel. It creates a dynamic of trust in the room. It is only because most of our daily social interactions create a norm of clothing the body that coming together in the nude becomes an opportunity to live beyond social norms. This is particularly true when we honor our body and our sexuality as sacred. The context for how we come together to celebrate our wholeness is what gives our nakedness power. Deep breathing, remembering how similar we are. These are the smells of our human forms. These are the scars, this is how our inhales move our ribs. This is how tension has sculped our necks and feet. This is the exquisite living design. For these 90 minutes we join the baby animals and freshly born humans in comfort inside our bodies. There's an innocence under all those layers.